
Jan Lucier

I like the nickname” Mystical Shaman” because it conveys the essence of my spiritual journey. I have a miracle birth, unusual upbringing with parents who were both Quaker and non-denominational Pentecostal.I have been seeking truth and “The Way” ever since.  I teach shamanic classes/workshops, facilitate 1:1 shamanic healing sessions, host monthly Shamanic Journey circles facilitate music and sound healing gatherings, give Cowrie Shell readings, lecture, actively am a part of holistic nurse circles & gatherings, perform ritual and ceremony, and mentor folks.  I have a reoccurring 1-year apprenticeship program -where I train the next generation of “wounded healers”. I have been gifted to travel and train with shamans from all over the globe. A significant share of my mission is to study, learn, and teach ancient wisdom traditions. I enjoy and revere the timeless spiritual ways and am a voice to bridge the gulf between modernity and ancient wisdom. AHO!
